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DWG BrowserDrawing Browser is a tool for instant reporting and cataloging of drawings using your Internet Browser or other software capable of importing HTML tables. Simply choose your starting directory, then select specific files or let the program navigate the current folder and all ‘nested’ subfolders. With DWG Browser you can create attractive HTML tabular reports in seconds without knowing anything about HTML.


DWG Browser comes with Search Capabilities. Specify the fields to search and enter your search word(s). Only the drawings containing the search strings show up in the report. Search the ‘Drawing Properties’ included in AutoCAD 2000 or higher (and R14 with Express Tools).


Important: This tool *cannot* search the entire drawing (such as text objects), only the drawing properties fields.

Possible searches include

  • Words in the ‘Keywords’ and ‘Comments’ Properties.
  • CAD Personnel in the ‘LastSavedBy’ field.
  • Drawing Approval using custom properties like APPROVED=YES.

DWG Browser Search Options

Output Fields

  • Easily specify the fields you want to include.
  • Drawing Preview Bitmap, extracted from the drawing at report time to assure latest preview.
  • Operating System properties such as Fullname, Version (R2000+, R14, R12/R13), Date, Time, and Size in KB.
  • DwgProps information such as Subject, Author, Keywords, Comments, Created, Modified, LastSavedBy, Revision, EditingTime.

DWG Browser comes with Built-In Previews. You can choose your settings and click the ‘Generate’ button. The progress bar and current processing file keep you informed of the status. Once processing is complete the built-in web browser displays the report.


Report Examples

DWG Browser One Record Per RowsUsing ‘One Record Per Row’ as in this example allows for a large number of user selected fields which become columns to produce detailed directory listings.


DWG Browser Multiple Records Per RowUsing ‘Multiple Records Per Row’ as in the second example to produce tables such as symbol catalogs. In this mode the selected fields become stacked rows in the order chosen.


With DWG Browser you can import DWG Browser’s reports directly into MS-Word, MS-Excel, or even Access 2000 and higher. By importing the reports into your html compatible word processor for more pagination control you can turn the creation of a symbol catalog into a one minute process!



Check out what CADinfo.NET had to say about our Drawing Cataloging Tool!


“What an awesome program! It’s a really useful tool that I will add to the company standard CAD software spec.”

– Robin Capper

DWG Browser


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System Requirements

3.5mb hard drive space

.Net Framework 2.0 or higher

Product Support: Email Support Only

(Novell Networks not supported)

Tested and Running on

Windows XP

Windows Vista

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Windows 10

Known Issues

No Preview On Report
The report shows “No Preview” when a preview bitmap cannot be extracted from the .DWG file. Drawing files created prior to Release 13 (1994) will not have a preview. Also in rare cases in newer drawings the thumbnails saved while showing 3dSolids may be unreadable by the application.

To generate previews for these cases, simply open the drawing in your CAD application, zoom to a desired view, and save your drawing.